About Us

We are a ministry with a unique vision first given in 2005 that can lead the left behind to Christ even after the righteous have been caught up to heaven. Whether before or after the rapture, we give you the tools from Scripture to overcome the world through obedience to Christ Jesus and our great God.

Go to the "Mini Studies" Page for FREE Studies on End-Times, Salvation & MORE! Order one of our books from the catalog if you hunger for even more.


BRIAN LAKINS, author of the Millions Vanished Library, was ingrained into the Christian faith as a young child, then seeking his own ways for a season, the prodigal returned to Jesus with a God-given passion to write and speak to Christians and seekers to inspire them to live holy in an unholy world. He earned his degree in Biblical studies from Liberty University.

Wisdom was gained in the trenches of life, and the passion for Brian to address deep questions of faith beyond surface teachings was produced. Through years of personal study, the Millions Vanished vision was birthed in 2005 as a simple way to tell the left behind the pertinent information needed, even while I have been transported to heaven. It has grown well beyond that with the Millions Vanished book series, soon to be followed by the Obedient Christian book series.

If you desire an in-depth study tool to discover truths from Genesis through Revelation at a super-sonic pace, then this is the place for you!

Scripture gives definite proof that the Rapture is before the Tribulation & before the Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:1-12), & that obedience to righteousness (Jas. 1:22-25; 2:14-26; 1 Jn. 3:7) & grace (Titus 2:11-15) are conditions to partaking in this soon coming blessed hope (Eph. 5:27; Titus 2:13; 1 Jn. 3:1-3). These products are only important because they point people to the awareness of the times & to this website that gives them sound doctrine. Join this ministry in seeking the lost in this special & unique way during this unprecedented time. This is for the overcomer as well as the left behind. If you were left behind and have found this site, know it's not too late to start following Christ Jesus our God to be saved (Matt. 10:22-39).

The Great Commission is the greatest call for us all (Matt. 28:18-20). Continue this mission even after you leave the Earth for the last 7 years of this dispensation (Rev. 4:1-18:24). This website will carry on your evangelism. The products will direct them here. Now get to the Catalog Store and find your favorites to leave behind for the left behind!


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                                                                       Vaccinated – Rat in a Cage